
Showing posts from April, 2018

Using the Picatrix Decan Cards

tl:dr- astrological talismans spirit communication divination reference, contemplation  art collection I completed the images for the Picatrix Decans in late November of 2017. As I was making the images I knew that one of the things I wanted to do with the collection was to publish them as a deck of cards. There are a few reasons I wanted to do this. First I wanted an affordable way for folks to be able to collect my artwork. But more importantly for the readers of this blog I wanted to produce a way for folks to use the images in magical work. The deck of the  Picatrix Decan  cards is ultimately a practical tool for the practicing magician.  But what does this mean? How can any cards be used as a tool and in particular what are the uses of the  Picatrix Decan  cards? Let’s explore some of my ideas that may answer this question. Be aware, dear reader, that these are just my ideas and that you may come up with something completely different that suits you better. As th