
Using the Picatrix Decan Cards

tl:dr- astrological talismans spirit communication divination reference, contemplation  art collection I completed the images for the Picatrix Decans in late November of 2017. As I was making the images I knew that one of the things I wanted to do with the collection was to publish them as a deck of cards. There are a few reasons I wanted to do this. First I wanted an affordable way for folks to be able to collect my artwork. But more importantly for the readers of this blog I wanted to produce a way for folks to use the images in magical work. The deck of the  Picatrix Decan  cards is ultimately a practical tool for the practicing magician.  But what does this mean? How can any cards be used as a tool and in particular what are the uses of the  Picatrix Decan  cards? Let’s explore some of my ideas that may answer this question. Be aware, dear reader, that these are just my ideas and that you may come up with something completely different that suits you better. As th

Picatrix Decan Cards Pre-Order Now Open

Friends and Neighbors, I am very excited to announce that the pre-order period is open for copies of the card deck of my 36 Picatrix Decan collage images. Each copy is $36 USD and comes with a little white book of descriptions. Email to  to order your copy and to receive more information. Decks will ship on March 15th.    

Show Announcements, July 13th, 2017

Art Lovers, I have two show announcements to relate to you. You will want to check these exhibitions out to see my work in all its printed and framed glory. The High Dive , 1406 SE 12th Ave, Portland OR. Show dates July 1st to August 31st with an artist's reception on First Friday August 4th from 6:00 to 9:00pm. This is my first exhibition since quitting my day job! It is up and hanging right now. The High Dive is a bar just north of Hawthorne Blvd. Come on down and see my work and say hi to me at the reception.  Bare Bones Bar , 2900 SE Belmont St., Portland, OR. Show dates September 1st to October 1st. Artist's reception September 1st, 6:00 to 9:00pm. Just confirmed yesterday, I will be hanging work at Bare Bones Bar, a delightfully divey watering hole, for the month of September. I will be around to chat and greet folks on the evening of September 1st for First Friday. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there.  Hooray! I am excited to already have two shows sc

The Artist Rides Again

This is the first post in my new blog dedicated to my art career. Or should I say my revived art career.  As an artist I am back in the saddle. Let me tell you a brief story... Art has always been a part of my life. When I went to college my major was photography and specifically, classic wet darkroom black and white photo. It was great and I loved it. I graduated with a BFA in photography in 2005. For several reasons, which I'm sure I'll expand upon as this blog continues, I was never able to make a living as an artist. I was forced to get a job to support my art habit. Thankfully the job I got was at a retail art gallery connected to the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon. I worked there for a few years and learned quite a lot about the business of art. I still made work at this time but I hadn't quite grokked the idea of "artist" as profession. I made art but I basically didn't get it out into the world and didn't try very hard to sell it. In