The Artist Rides Again

This is the first post in my new blog dedicated to my art career. Or should I say my revived art career.  As an artist I am back in the saddle.

Let me tell you a brief story...

Art has always been a part of my life. When I went to college my major was photography and specifically, classic wet darkroom black and white photo. It was great and I loved it. I graduated with a BFA in photography in 2005. For several reasons, which I'm sure I'll expand upon as this blog continues, I was never able to make a living as an artist.
I was forced to get a job to support my art habit.
Thankfully the job I got was at a retail art gallery connected to the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon. I worked there for a few years and learned quite a lot about the business of art. I still made work at this time but I hadn't quite grokked the idea of "artist" as profession. I made art but I basically didn't get it out into the world and didn't try very hard to sell it. In a word it terrified me.
The Great Recession in 2008 put an end to my employment at the gallery. I had the opportunity to put more energy into artwork but the fear of exposing myself still plagued me and so I was still not able to make a living as an artist. In 2010 I was hired at the art museum again, this time as the Volunteer Coordinator. For seven years that job had me so focused and busy that I put art making down, for the most part, and made very little art, but it gave me innumerable other benefits.
In 2017 a change in management at the museum changed the Volunteer Coordinator job in significant ways and I decided it was time to move on. I was inspired to take the plunge into being an artist once again.
And this time, more than ever, I am stoked and I am ready to hustle. I have support and encouragement like never before.

So now I have stepped off the proverbial ledge and I am doing the work of being an artist with a new dedication and zeal. In a lot of ways this is a spiritual step for me. I trust you will forgive me if that sounds a bit cheesy. This blog will serve a few purposes. It will be where I post news about my art; shows, project announcements, and so on. Those of you wanting to keep up with how this little adventure is going should subscribe for updates. I will also wax poetic about various aspects of my work; thoughts on individual pieces, inspirations, and probably some creative posts. This will be the place to get to know me and what my art is about.
It will be funny. It will be uncomfortable. It will be strange.

Welcome to my blog.


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